News archive
- December 2021: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Wie Bakterien aus Labyrinthen herausfinden" (German only) about a publication in Nature Communications. Another press release by the University of Princeton about that publication see Link.
- November 2021: Dr. Isha Malhotra (Iowa State University, USA) received a postdoc fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation.
- November 2021: Yuanjian Zheng (Singapore) received a postdoc fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation.
- November 2021: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Three-bodyinteractions bring egoists into the collective comfort zone – even penguins" about a publication in PNAS. See Link
- November 2021: The paper "Topology of Orientational Defects in Confined Smectic Liquid Crystals" by Paul Monderkamp and coworkers was selected for a synopsis in Physical Review Letters, seeLink
- October 2021: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Humboldt-Forschungsstipendiat an der HHU - Aktive Materialien verstehen" (German only).
Foto: © HHU / Tizian Machtolf | Foto: © HHU / Tizian Machtolf |
- October 2021: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Motorisierte Tröpfchen dank Rückkopplung" (German only) about a publication in Nature Communications.
- July 2021: Dr. Lorenzo Caprini (Camerino, Italy) received a postdoc fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation.
- May 2021: A figure from the publication by J. Harrer, S. Ciarella, M. Rey, H. Löwen, L. M. C. Janssen, N. Vogel, Collapse-induced phase transitions in binary interfacial microgel monolayers, Soft Matter 17, 4504-4516 (2021) was selected for the cover page.
- April 2021: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Total abgedreht: Was Mikroroboter mit Seife zu tun haben" (German only) about a publication in Science Advances.
- March 2021: Press report by University of Pennsylvania about a publication in Nature Communications. Link
- March 2021: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Mikroskopische Fluktuationen helfen Bakterien bei der Arbeit" (German only) about a publication in Nature Communications.
- February 2021: The work of Jens Grauer, Hartmut Löwen and Benno Liebchen on Covid19 vaccination strategies (publication) was highlighted in the Physik Journal 20 (2021) Nr.2 18-19 by Gerhard Gompper scan, 08.02.2021.
- January 2021: press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Liquid crystal under stress" about a joint publication with D. Aarts
and coworkers (Oxford University) Flüssigkristalle unter Stress German only
- December 2020: press release by University Münster Detective work in theoretical physics about a joint publication with Prof. Dr. R. Wittkowski
- November 2020: The paper of A. R. Sprenger, V. A. Shaik, A. M. Ardekani, M. Lisicki, A. J. T. M. Mathijssen, F. Guzman-Lastra, H. Löwen, A. M. Menzel, A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Towards an analytical description of active microswimmers in clean and surfactant-covered drops – a note on the image system solution for force monopole and dipole singularities, European Physical Journal E 43, 58 (1-19) (2020) was highlighted in Link
- November 2020: Physicist receives dissertation prize of the Heraeus-foundation HHU-Link
- October 2020: The optimization of vaccination strategies against the corona pandemic was studied using an infection model in a publication by Jens Grauer, Hartmut Löwen and Benno Liebchen Presslink paper arxiv
- September 2020: Our paper "Crowding-Enhanced Diffusion: An Exact Theory for Highly Entangled Self-Propelled Stiff Filaments" by Suvendu Mandal, Christina Kurzthaler, Thomas Franosch, and Hartmut Löwen (Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 138002 (2020)) was highlighted in the synopsis "Filaments Move Quickly Through a Crowd": Link
- September 2020: A figure from the publication by A. R. Sprenger et al, Towards an analytical description of active microswimmers in clean and surfactant-covered drops – a note on the image system solution for force monopole and dipole singularities, European Physical Journal E 43, 58 (2020), was selected for the front cover page.
- July 2020: A figure from the publication by A. R. Sprenger, M. A. Fernandez-Rodriguez, L. Alvarez, L. Isa, R. Wittkowski, H. Löwen, Active Brownian motion with orientation-dependent motility: experiments and theory, Langmuir 36 7066-7073 (2020), was selected for the front cover page.
- May 2020: The publication by Benno Liebchen and Hartmut Löwen, Optimal navigation strategies for active particles EPL 127, 34003 (2019) was selected as an EPL highlight article for 2019, see
- March 2019: An AIP Scilight article Modeling microparticle movement has been released about our current publication Colloidal Brazil nut effect in microswimmer mixtures induced by motility contrast in AIP The Journal of Chemical Physics.
- March 2019: Prof. Löwen was selected as an outstanding referee 2018 for The Journal of Physics: Condensed matter. (Link)
- January 2019: Prof. Löwen was appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board of The Journal of Chemical Physics. JCP Editorial Advisory Board
- January 2019: Professor Löwen visits the University of Chile Link.
- December 2018: press release of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: Inertial mini-robots leave the curve (German only).
- December 2018:
- December 2018: press release of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: Biofilms take care of their own nutrient supply. Biofilms take care of their own nutrient supply
- June 2018: Prof. Löwen was selected as an outstanding referee 2017 for The Journal of Chemical Physics. HHU Press release
- May 2018: Press release of Physics World: Physicists show how bacteria swim towards regions of higher viscosity (English only).
- April 2018: Presserelease of Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: Fraktionszwang für tanzende Roboter (German only).
- March 2018: The Physical Review Letter on viscotaxis by Benno Liebchen et al was selected as a PRL Editors' Suggestion.
- March 2018: Hartmut Löwen was appointed as a Coeditor of European Physical Letters (EPL).
- March 2018: A Figure from a paper by J. Grauer, H. Löwen and L. M. C. Janssen was selected by the Physical Journal E for the journal "Kaleidoscope", see Link.
- March 2018: Prof. Löwen is one of the "Outstanding Reviewer Award winners for 2017" for the New Journal of Physics. Link
- December 2017: Claudius Deters was awarded with a NRW Chancen-Nutzen scholarship.
- November 2017: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas M. Menzel received the prize from the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der HHU for his habilitation thesis "Tuned, driven, and active soft matter". HHU Wissenschaftspreise 2016
- April 2017: Press release of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf about the research project of Humboldt-fellow Dr. Segun Goh Kuriose Materialien mit spannenden Anwendungsmöglichkeiten (German).
Foto: Foto: Jochen Müller / HHU | Foto: Foto: Jochen Müller / HHU |
- March 2017: Dr. Segun Goh (Seoul, Korea) received a postdoc fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation.
- Januar 2017: Press release of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf: "Physiker Prof. Dr. Hartmut Löwen zum “Outstanding Referee 2017” gewählt". Press release (German)
- November 2016: Alexander Sprenger was awarded with a NRW Chancen-Nutzen scholarship.
- November 2016: Press release (German) of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf about the current publication Fission and fusion scenarios for magnetic microswimmer clusters in Nature Communications by Francisca Guzmán Lastra, Andreas Kaiser & Hartmut Löwen.
Snapshot of a "Waddling dance" after the fusion of ten swimming micromagnets. |
| (Image: Andreas Kaiser) |
additional press report at |
- November 2016:
Press report (German) of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf about Dr. Liesbeth M. C. Janssen who received a postdoc fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung.
Foto: Foto: Jochen Müller / HHU | Foto: Foto: Jochen Müller / HHU |
- Oktober 2016: Publication Directly probing anisotropy in atom–molecule collisions through quantum scattering resonances in Nature Physics with Dr. Liesbeth M. C. Janssen.
- Oktober 2016: Radiointerview of Prof. Dr. C. Bechinger, Max-Planck-Institut Stuttgart Mikro-Roboter im Körper (German).
- September 2016: press release "Mit Mikropartikeln in die Finsternis" (German) of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf about the current publication Phototaxis of synthetic microswimmers in optical landscapes in Nature Communications.
- August 2016: Dr. Borge ten Hagen has received a postdoc-fellowship from the DFG.
- July 2016: Dr. Liesbeth M. C. Janssen received a postdoc fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung.
- July 2016: Prof. Arjun Yodh (Penssylvania) is new Humboldt Prize Winner and will do research on soft matter in strong collaboration with our institut, see press release...
- June 2016: press release "Licht setzt aktive Materialien in Bewegung" (German) of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf about the current publication in Science Advances.
- May 2016: Prof. Löwen was selected as an outstanding referee 2015 for The Journal of Chemical Physics.
- April 2016: Dr. Raphael Wittkowski received an Emmy-Noether-fellowship from the German Research Foundation.
- January 2016: The work on colloidal clutches by I. Williams, E. C. Oğuz, P. Bartlett, T. Speck, H. Löwen, C. P. Royall was highlighted in the Physik Journal 15 (2016) Nr.1 19f (pdf).
- January 2016: Düsseldorf publication on a colloidal clutch was shown on the cover page of Nature Physics Coverpage.
- Dezember 2015: Humboldt interviews with Dr. F. Smallenburg and Prof. Dr. H. Löwen, press release and more detailed press release.
- October 2015: press release "Kuppeln im Nanobereich" (German) of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf about the current publication in Nature Physics.
- August 2015: Prof. Löwen was interviewed on: JPhys+.
- July 2015: The work on colloidal crystallization by E. Allahyarov, K. Sandomirki, S. Egelhaaf and H. Löwen was highlighted in the Physik Journal 14 (2015) 20-21 (pdf).
- May 2015: Publication in Nature Communications - press release (in German) "Eiskristalle unter Kontrolle" (ice crystals under control) of the HHU.
- May 2015: Dr. Andreas Kaiser has received a postdoc-fellowship from the DFG.
- May 2015: The paper Physical Review X 5, 011035 (2015) by A. V. Ivlev, J. Bartnick, M. Heinen, C.-R. Du, V. Nosenko and H. Löwen was discussed in:
- November 2014: New Humboldt fellow
Dr. Frank Smallenburg has received a postdoc fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung which enables him to do research about active colloids in the group of Prof. Dr. Löwen. HHU press release. |
Foto: Jessica Hatton Copyright: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
- November 2014:
Prof. H. Löwen hands over the function of the confident person for the German Science Foundation to Prof. S. Egelhaaf - press release |
Foto: Robin Aust / Copyright: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
- October 2014: The work on gravitaxis by B. ten Hagen, H. Löwen and coworkers was highlighted in the Physik Journal 13 (2014) 21-23. Gravitaxis (pdf, 630kB)
- September 2014: Publication in Nature Communications - press releases "Amoebe grüß mir die Sonne" of the HHU and "Ein Pantoffeltierchen will nach oben " of the Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart, Gravitaxis Bechinger Group webpage at University Stuttgart with radio report in DRadio Wissen.
- July 2014: Hartmut Löwen was elected to become a member of the senate of the German Science Foundation, see press release.
- March 2014: Dr. Erdal C. Oğuz has received a postdoc fellowship from the DFG.
- March 2014: Prof. Dr. Ethayaraja Mani (Madras) has been financed by the DAAD for a research project on soft matter physics.
- March 2014: Dr. Marco Heinen has received a postdoc fellowship from the DAAD.
- October 2013: Publication in Nature Communications - press releases Squeezing in the micro-domain of Bristol university and Druck in der kleinsten Zelle messen of the HHU
- August 2013: Press release on soft matter research. File (pdf, 172kB) (german)
- August 2013: ASME placed a ASME Podcast: How Complex Fluids Behave in Outer Space to a project we contibute to.
- August 2013: Press release - "Unruly Plamas" - Link
- May 2013: The paper "Circular motion of asymmetric self-propelling particles" by Borge ten Hagen and coworkers was selected for a synopsis in Physical Review Letters, see Link to
- March 2013: Urs Zimmermann was awarded with a scholarship from the DAAD to do research with Dr. R. Dullens (Oxford University, UK).
- February 2013: The book Complex plasmas and colloidal dispersions: particle-resolved studies of classical liquids and solids, (authors: A. V. Ivlev, H. Löwen, G. E. Morfill, C. P. Royall) was discussed by G. Maret in: Physik Journal 12, 46-47 (2013) (pdf) and by P. Pusey in: Phys. Today 66(2), 48 (2013) (pdf).
- February 2013: Dr. Manis Chaudhuri (Garching) received an ERC Marie-Curie-Postdoc-grant, to perform research about complex plasmas at the Theoretische Physik II.
- January 2013: Dr. Raphael Wittkowski was honored with the prize for the best dissertation of the year 2012 of the faculty of natural sciences. Link
- January 2013: Prof. Dr. Kurt Binder (Mainz University) received an hononary doctoral degree of the faculty of natural sciences at the university of Düsseldorf. Link
- November 2012 - A paper by Tobias Glanz and Hartmut Löwen on lane formation was highlighted as a LabTalk in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.Link
- October 2012 - The work on active turbulence by H. H. Wensink, H. Löwen and coworkers was highlighted in the Physik-Journal Physik Journal 11 (2012) 21f (pdf).
- October 2012 - Press release by University Düsseldorf Link and University Kiel Link about research about neutron stars on the earth.
- October 2012 - Dr. Raphael Wittkowski has received a DFG Postdoc scholarship.
- Theoretical prediction by Hartmut Löwen for colloidal crystals was verified experimentally. Physik Journal 11 (2012) 81ff (pdf)
- May 2012 - The article by T. Kruppa, T. Neuhaus, R. Messina, H. Löwen, on "Soft repulsive mixtures under gravity: depletion bubbles, brazil-nut effect, boundary layering, nonequilibrium shaking", J. Chem. Phys. 136, 134106 (2012), was chosen as a Research Highlight featured on the journal website home page, see JCP.
- January 2012 - Dr. Henricus Wensink assumed a CNRS research position in Paris.
- January 2012 - Prof. Dr. H. Löwen received the medal of honors of the University of Düsseldorf, see here.
- September 2011 - Dr. Rene Messina assumed a professorship at the University of Metz (France) starting on October 1st 2011.
- Mai 2011 - Prof. H. Löwen is coordinating the German-Japanese bilateral cooperation Soft Matter in nonequilibrium funded by the DFG.
- Pressreport at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf from 20.4.2011 about „Advanced Investigator Grant” of the European Research Council (ERC) for Prof. H. Löwen and Prof. Gregor Eugen Morfill (Max-Planck-Institut): Auszeichnung für herausragende Spitzenforschung und Exzellenz in Düsseldorf
2 Millionen Euro für Physiker der Heinrich-Heine-Universität here.
- Pressreport at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf from 20.4.2011 Dr. Thomas Speck: Neuer Humboldt-Stipendiat in der Theoretischen Physik here.
- Pressreport at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf from 24.3.2011 here about the Emmy-Noether fellowship.
- March 2011 -
Dr. Michael Schmiedeberg received an
Emmy-Noether fellowship from the DFG.
- March 2011 -
Dr. Gboyega Adebayo (University of Abuja, Nigeria)
was awarded with a three-month-visit fellowship from the DAAD in
order to do joint research with Prof. H. Löwen.
Prof Dr. Hartmut Löwen was awarded with Prof. Dr. Gregor Morfill
(MPI für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching) with an ERC Advanced Grant
for an interdisciplinary research project linking
colloidal dispersions to complex plasmas.
Dr. Thomas Speck was awarded with a Feodor-Lynen-Rückkehrstipenium
from the Alexander-von-Humboldt foundation.
- Matthias Kohl was awarded with a NRW Chancen-Nutzen scholarship.
- Alumni report of Prof. Löwen for the Technical University of Dortmund is available: here.
- Prof. Löwen was appointed to the ESA Physical Sciences Working Group.
- Prof. H. Löwen was elected to become editor of the Springer book series "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics".
- B. ten Hagen was awarded with a NRW Chancen-Nutzen scholarship.
- H. H. Goetzke was awarded with a NRW Chancen-Nutzen scholarship.
- U. Zimmermann was awarded with a Studienstiftung scholarship.
The work on lane formation by A. Wysocki and H. Löwen was highlighted in the Physik-Journal . (pdf, 734kB).
The SFB TR6 (under coordination of Prof. H. Löwen) was extended until 2013 . (pdf, 3kB) (german).
Dr. S. Apolinário has moved to permanent professorship position at the Universidada Federal de Serjipe in Aracaju (Brasil).
The paper of G. Kahl and H. Löwen (J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 21, 464101 (2009)) on heterogeneous crystal nucleation;
was selected to be among the 17 Highlight Papers 2009 in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
- A CECAM workshop on "Classical Density Functional Theory Methods in Soft and Hard Matter"
is organized in October 2009 by Hartmut Löwen with
Mikko Haataja (Princeton) and Laszlo Granasy (Brunel University).
- Prof. H. Löwen is invited lecturer at the international "Third
Warsaw School of Statistical Physics"
- In a collaboration of A. Wysocki and H. Löwen
with scientists from the
Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik
and Russian cosmonauts, space shuttle experiments
reveal lane formation in dusty plasmas and were explained
theoretically, see the article
in Physical Review Letters which was selected as among the editors' suggestions.
- A symposium on
"Pattern formation in colloidal and granular systems"
during the DPG March 2009 Meeting in Dresden is organized
by S. Herminghaus, H. Löwen, and M. Schröter
Prof. Löwen was interviewed about the success of transregional collaborative centres in physics, see article (german only) by A. Hauck in the Physik Journal 7, No. 12 (December 2008), page 8 (2008).
Australian Humboldt fellow Prof. R. Robson visits Prof. H. Löwen, see
press release
A recently published
Highlight in Materials Today on the article
Asymmetric caging in soft colloidal mixtures, including a
commentary by Prof. Johan Bergenholtz.
- 11.-22. February 2008 Workshop: Crystallization and Jamming in Soft Matter under Driving - Colloidal Suspensions, Granular Media, Foams, and Complex Plasmas
Lorentzcenter in Leiden organized by M. Sperl, S. Luding and H. Löwen
Gentner-Kastler-Preis 2003 goes to Prof. Löwen
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