Lehrstuhl Löwen
- Kollektives Verhalten von aktiven Partikeln
- Struktur, Dynamik und Phasenübergänge in kolloidalen Dispersionen
- Statistische Mechanik von Grenzflächen
- Nichtgleichgewichtsphänome, Glasübergänge, Nukleation
- Computersimulationen
- Dichtefunktionaltheorie
- Polymere, Polyelektrolyte und Flüssigkristalle
- Biologische Physik: Motilität von Bakterien, Proteinkristallisation, DNA
- Komplexe Plasmen
- Member of the Science Priority Program SPP 2265 "Random geometric systems" of the DFG
- Member of the ITN Active Matter of the EU
- Member of the Science Priority Program SPP 1681 "Magnetic Hybrid Materials" of the DFG
- Member of the Science Priority Program SPP 1726 "Microswimmers - from single particles to collective behavior" of the DFG
- Dr. A. Ivlev (Garching): "Active complex plasmas" funded by the DFG
- Prof. Dr. A. Voigt (Dresden): "Liquid crystalline phases on manifolds" funded by the DFG
- Prof. Dr. N. Vogel (Erlangen): "Microgel particles" funded by the DFG
- Prof. Dr. C. Bechinger (Stuttgart): "Active colloidal particles" funded by the DFG within ITN
- Prof. Dr. L. Janssen (Eindhoven): "Breathing particles" funded by DFG
- Dr. A. Mathijssen (Pennsylvania): "Active carpets"
- Dr. C. Du (Shanghai): "Complex plasmas" funded by the DFG
- Prof. Dr. R. Wittkowski (Münster): "Dynamical density functional theory"
- Prof. Dr. L. Isa (ETH Zürich): "Programmable microswimmers" funded by ITN
- Prof. Dr. G. Volpe (Gothenburg) "Mixtures of microswimmers" funded by ITN
- Prof. Dr. D. Aarts (Oxford) "Liquid crystals in confinement" funded by DFG
- Prof. Dr. T. Franosch (Innsbruck) "Dynamical correlations"
- Prof. Dr. P. Royall (Bristol) "Colloids in nonequilibrium" funded by Alexander-von-Humboldt foundation
- Prof. Dr. B. Liebchen (Darmstadt) "Microswimmers"
- Prof. Dr. T. Pöschel (Erlangen) "Granular Matter"
- Prof. Dr. Z.-F. Huang (Wayne) "Phase field crystal models"
- Prof. Dr. J. Simmchen (Dresden) "Anisotropic microswimmers"
- Prof. Dr. J. Brader (Fribourg) "Density functional theory"
- Prof. Dr. F. Guzman-Lastra (Santiago de Chile) "Active carpets"
ehemalige Projekte
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