Latest News
- December 2024: Dr. Iman Abdoli has received two-years research funding within the DFG Walter Benjamin program.
- November 2024: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
Dr. Kristian Stølevik Olsen post doc research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung at the Institut for Theoretical Physics II
"Wie sich Zellen mühsam durch den Körper bewegen" (German only).
Foto: © HHU / Citlalli Gutierrez |
- October 2024: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Wie sich milchige, kristalline Tropfen in Wasser ausdehnen" (German only) about a publication in Soft Matter.
- August 2024: Article Aller guten Dinge sind drei was printed in the Rheinische Post Düsseldorf on 19.8.2024 at Page 21 (German only).
- May 2024: Article appeared in Physik Journal 23 (2024) Nr. 5 on page 19 Zu dritt bereits als Schwarm unterwegs (German only).
- April 2024: Press release by Deutsche Apothekerzeitung Aller Guten Dinge sind drei (German only).
- April 2024: Interview with "dem Wissensmagazin" Wie viele Tiere machen einen Schwarm? (German only).
- April 2024: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Gedenksymposium für Prof. Dr. Stefan U. Egelhaaf am 19. April 2024" (German only).
- March 2024: Physicsworld - Biophysics Blog entry "When it comes to fish dynamics, three’s a school".
- March 2024: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Neue Methode zur Messung der Entropieproduktion auf der Nanoskala" (German only) about a publication in Nature Communications.
- March 2024: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Wie viele Fische machen einen Schwarm?" (German only) about a publication in Nature Communications.
- March 2024: Dr. Alexander Antonov was honored with a prize (Förderpreis der Universität Osnabrück) for his excellent PhD. Link
- November 2023: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Emulsionströpfchen kontrolliert stabilisieren und aufbrechen" (German only) about a publication in Nature Communications.
- September 2023: The work by I. Abdoli was reviewed in Europhysics News - highlight from epl in the spotlights scan.
- July 2023: The SigmaPhi Prize is awarded to Hartmut Löwen for his seminal contributions to Statistical Physics.
Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
"Statistische Physik: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Löwen mit SigmaPhi-Preis geehrt" (German only).
- June 2023: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
Dr. Subhasish Chaki post doc research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung at the Institut for Theoretical Physics II
"Physik: Humboldt-Forschungsstipendiat an der HHU - Aktive Materie verstehen" (German only)
Foto: © HHU / Christoph Kawan |
- June 2023: Hartmut Löwen became a member of the investigation commission of the Österreichische Agentur für Wissenschaftliche Integrität (ÖAWI). Link
- May 2023: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
"European Postdoctoral Fellowships - Zwei Stipendiaten in europäischem Nachwuchsförderprogramm an der HHU" (German only)
- March 2023: Youtube Video for ACDC (Acoustic Crystallization of Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals), Advanced Materials 2022, 2206593 (2022)
- February 2023: The work of Falko Schmid et al in Nature Physics Link was highlighted by Victoria Esteso Carrizo in Nature Physics 19, 161–162 (2022) Report
- February 2023: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
"95 Promotionen in der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät Informatikerin und Physiker für hervorragende Dissertationsarbeiten geehrt" (German only)
- January 2023: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
Dr. Isha Malhotra post doc research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung at the Institut for Theoretical Physics II
"Aktive Mikrogele für den intelligenten Wirkstofftransport" (German only)
Foto: © HHU / Christoph Kawan |
- January 2023: The publication "A one-dimensional three-state run-and-tumble model with a ‘cell cycle’" by Davide Breoni et al. was choosen for as synopsis in European Physical Journal. Link
- December 2022: A figure from the publication by D. Breoni, F. Schwarzendahl, R. Blossey, H. Löwen, A one-dimensional three-state run-and-tumble model with a 'cell cycle', European Physical Journal E 45, 83 (2022) was selected for the journal cover page.
- November 2022: The paper of M. R. Bailey et al, Physical Review E 106, L052602 (2022), was selected as an Editors' suggestion.
- November 2022: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Nano-Bauteile clever voneinander lösen" (German only) about a publication in Nature Physics.
- October 2022: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf "Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Kurt Binder verstorben" (German only)
- August 2022: The Physical Review Letter on odd-diffusive systems by Erik Kalz et al was selected as a PRL Editors' Suggestion
- July 2022: Video about the research of Hartmut Löwen on biofilms with F. Guzman-Lastra and Arnold Matthijssen Link (in Spanish)
- June 2022: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
Dr. Yuanjian Zheng post doc research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung at the Institut for Theoretical Physics II
"Die Unordnung beschreiben" (German only).
Foto: © HHU / Arthur Haltrich |
- March 2022: Hartmut Löwen was elected as a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Leibniz-Institute for New Materials (Saarbrücken)
- February 2022: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf: joint award ceremony HHU and BUW "Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Dissertationspreis" to HHU Physicist Dr. Federico Grasselli see press release (German only).
Foto: © HHU / Christoph Kawan |
- January 2022: Press release by the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreisträger Prof. Dr. Christopher Patrick Royall an der HHU
Wie viele Fische braucht es für einen Schwarm? see Link (German only).
Foto: © HHU / Tizian Machtolf | Foto: © HHU / Tizian Machtolf |
- January 2022: comment "Selfishness for the greater good revealed in optimization of group dynamics" in Physics World to our publication in PNAS.
- January 2022: Short notice "Egoistisch optimiert" in the Physikjournal 21, 23 (2022) regarding a publication in PNAS.
See the archive for older news ...
Postdoc scholarship for 3 months on simulation of colloids and microgels
Research topic:
To perform computer simulations on the Mpemba effect, on effective interactions between microgel particles and on active particles in complex environments.
via Haushaltsmittel of Prof. H. Löwen.
Duration of position:
3 months (extension possible)
PhD in physics strong computational and theoretical skills, basic knowledge in statistical mechanics.
Application deadline:
September 23rd 2024, please apply with the headword "Postdoc scholarship on simulation of colloids and microgels" by email to hlowen <at> including a short CV.
tp2admin <at> · Last modified: Thu, December 12 2024 13:29:33 · ©2025-ThPhyII